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Photo Mar 15, 12 44 10 PM.jpg

My name's Noah.

I grew up abroad, and continued the trait from parents who also grew up on the move. I’m a half breed (aka – dual citizen) which has been a great experience coupled with always having my heart pulled in multiple directions as a norm.


XXII, living in California as a marketing director for a small non-profit. All the while, simply trying to make my way in the world. An aspiring photographer, amateur writer, and emotional health enthusiast. 


Bit of a movie junkie, with a love for music from indie to opera. 

This actually began out of deciding to push myself through Instagram. 

In the last few years, the two things that have made me feel excited, alive and vulnerable have been writing and photography. So I stared to stretch myself through Instagram. 


I’ve found social media can be great if you don’t give it power over you. This entire project is first for myself, then for everyone else. For me, if a single person reads something from my project and can walk away inspired, encouraged, provoked to think, pushed to grow, and can just have a better day than they would have otherwise, then that’s a win in my book. 


Everyone can and should have an inspired thought life, and I’m just starting some of the conversations.




Jacob Banks // 

If you've ever listened to a voice that is richer than this mans... he's a genre blend with these deep baritone chords. His new album Village has been on repeat in my car for months now.


Jo Jo Rabbit //

A perfected blend of heart and humor while sharing a message we so desperately need to be reminded of.



The Chase Jarvis Live Show //

Has been changing my life. Amazing photographer and founder of Creative Live, Chase interviews thought leaders to have conversations that change the conversation (haha).


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