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writing projects


Make This Time A Gift

This time can be a gift in the midst of chaos - if you let it. Don’t be defeated by circumstances. Rather make this an opportunity to...

“We just decided to”

A phrase from that has happily plagued me for years now. Only those who take a step forward achieve the magnificent. And that the...

Don’t Make Yourself An Afterthought...

We live in a very fast paced era. Everything is so interconnected and constructed, almost like we’re simply coloring between the lines...

Your Life’s Casting Call

...we all long to have ‘our people’ or ‘our tribe’ that we can live apart of. This is where my concept of the life cast comes in.

The Waiting Room

You’re sitting in the waiting room at the doctors office. You’ve past the point of comfortable waiting, and are wearing out the edge of...

Who Behind the What (Just a Start)

Hello there My name is Noah. This is very exciting and nerve racking for me, because this is the launch of my lil project I've been...

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