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  • Writer's pictureNJBaker

“We just decided to”

A phrase from that has happily plagued me for years now. Only those who take a step forward achieve the magnificent. And that the difference between those who do and those who don’t is over simplified down to a moment of decision.

Coming into 2020...

Who is it you want to be this year?

What do you want to run after?

How would you like it to show?

And the hard question... what’s in your way?

- perspective -

These are just some questions I’m allowing to run ramped in my mind. I guess we all get somewhat cathartic around the new year, and I’d hate to waste a natural self-reflecting attitude right...

We live so beautifully over exposed to all people from all walks, doing all kinds of things, and that can sometimes leave you thinking ‘what is left for me to offer?’ Letting or even placing yourself into a mode of riding the wave, with little to no motivation to push past your own boundaries, daring to be bravely fantastic. Observing others while sitting on the bench. But sit with this for a moment, there can only ever be one you. A cute statement with so much truth in it. There is no one who has come or will come that is made up of the same experiences, opinions, ideas, behaviors or movements as you. Look past how ‘original’ you do or don’t feel, cause there‘s something every single day that only you can bring to the table, and someone only you can be.

So the question should be will you do it? Will you give yourself permission and take a chances reach into what maybe unknown to you - but engrained in who you are. Cause it’s time to get off the bench, and throw yourself on deck. I know I’m tired of allowing myself to get in position, ready to dive off the cliff, only to let chilling out get the better of me.

Creating unrealistic excuses in your mind for stifling your own potential is simply... the worst. So often we tell ourselves a story, creating a context, to support why we ‘shouldn’t‘. Shouldn't write that song, tell that story, take that course, take that risk... whatever it is you're on the edge of that pulls you in, drawing you to become fully alive. Instead we allow ourselves to sit and watch other people run after their dreams, and say "way to go", while sitting on the hands of our own dreams.

Being surrounded by a bunch of people who are living and pursuing their dreams creates a blend of inspiration and encouragement that can sometimes be laced with intimidation. It gradually arrives and we don’t see it coming. This is a feeling born from comparison - comparison being the enemy of individual creativity and vulnerability. Trying to lie to you that your contribution is nothing unique from the millions of others out there, and so - not worth the effort. But without building a case, because there really is no need, the simply truth is that you are so worth the effort, and really can be who you want to be. It won't and shouldn't happen over night, but within the development is where we learn our own beauty, value and strength.

I keep getting hit with such a strong sense that one the things within this year is a time to go after dreams and passions. Things you've been sitting on and constantly find your thoughts drifting back to - those are the ones. Go for it! Not for the sake of any one else, but for your own sake. For your own heart and mind, cause a person who does what they love is a happy person. For me - I'm self committing myself to pushing into writing and photography this year - and to be intentional about it. Creating time instead of waiting for it to show up, cause at the end of the day who's actually holding you back.

“a ship is safe in the harbor, but that’s not what it was made for...”

It may seem like a smart way not to die, but it’s for sure a sad way to live. Passivity would be the saddest excuse to give at the end of your story. I'd much rather be able to say "you know how my dreams got started? I just decided to."

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