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  • Writer's pictureNJBaker

Make This Time A Gift

This time can be a gift in the midst of chaos - if you let it.

Don’t be defeated by circumstances. Rather make this an opportunity to thrive in a new way you haven’t before.  We’re all in the same boat in terms of circumstance, but by no means does that mean that our experiences will, could or should look the same as the person 6 feet next to you. Maybe you’re finding and making little projects to fill up your day, or maybe you’re sleeping way more than last month. Maybe it’s time to actually write out the pain you experienced last year, or dive deep into the dream you began developing for where you want to be in 10 years. We're all being pushed to take a look at what we focus on in our norm, and it's a great time to see what we're feeding our minds with.

I’d only say the important thing is that you’re making it happen - what ever it is - and not allowing a daily routine to become a new form of numbing, avoiding the emotions your feeling, or shutting down your heart. It’s easy to compare the level of stress or hardship you personally are experiencing (thanks to the overload of information/news we’re getting daily) and to think I have no right to feel broken, scared or grieved, when the truth is we will only be able to come out of this on top if we allow and invite those around us to stand by your side. You're so so so valid to not feel okay in this time. There’s also nothing wrong with feeling like you’ve got it together, and are handling each day like a champ - if anything, that’s a great opportunity to share your strength by supporting others. 

Though there’s a massive common thread of COVID-19, this is a unique experience for each and every one of us in every aspect. Each day, I’ll experience my world different to you and the same in reverse (which I know is nothing new), but we’ve never found ourselves so collectively in something this extreme. And no one should suffer alone, especially since we’ve got time and the ability to stay connected.

So please - take time to know what you are feeling and why. Ask your sibling how they are, check in with your neighbor, be a little extra intentional with your roommate. Vocalize needing this also shown to you, and share when you’re feeling down - and when you‘re thriving!

My goal for this sudden extra 'me-myself-I' time: 

Invite yourself into understanding who you are, take time to see where you’ve come from in the past year and how you’ve changed. Allow space to grow, to ask yourself why, to talk to your heart and trust the Holy Spirit to guide you as you learn.  Thats all for this one...

Be inspired friends, and reach out to talk about it!


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